Today Panchangam 16/9/2024, Monday for Delhi, India.
This page shows Tithi, Nakshatra, good and bad timings etc on
September 16, 2024.
In India, the ancient Vedic Astrology defined a specific calendar based on the traditional methods of time calculations. This traditional Vedic calendar is called Panchang or Panchangam. The astrologers in the Vedic era followed triple ancient methods - 1st Lunar-based, 2nd Nakshatra and 3rd Sun-based for the time calculation. In Vedic Astrology, there are five units to represent the format of time: Week (It means Vara), Lunar Day (It means Tithi), Nakshatra (It represents constellation), Yoga, and Karana.
These universal units, which are used to calculate time in the ancient Vedic era, are called Panchang. The Sanskrit term - 'Panchang' is a meaningful association of two root words - 'Pancha' (Which means Five) and 'Ang' (Which means Aspects). And there is no doubt that these five universal aspects play essential roles in the ancient time-calculation methods.
Above all, Vedic Astrology recommended that Panchang follow the auspicious moments to manifest the positive power of nature and the universe in religious events and social rituals. Therefore, today, Panchang is considered the traditional Hindu Calendar to get the auspicious dates for any Hindu Festivals.
In Indian Vedic Astrology or Hindu Astrology, Panchang or Panchangam is defined as the specific format of the Hindu Almanac. So, since ancient times, experienced Hindu astrologers have considered Panchang an essential astrological collection of auspicious dates for religious, social, and cultural events and rituals. Therefore, today, while people consult any renowned astrologer to fix the date of religious and social ceremonies such as Hindu Festivals, devotional and spiritual prayers on birthdays, marriages, engagements, rice ceremonies, etc., the astrologers recommend the fixed dates based on Panchang for all the religious & social rituals as their clients can acquire the blessings of the almighty God and favorable powers of nature.
Undoubtedly, astrology is such a distinct branch of Science that helps to resolve the unfortunate conditions that often turn life into miserable journeys. Astrology suggests the best days and times to start new journeys in both professional and personal life. So, proficient Hindu astrologers consider Panchangam or Hindu Calender to recommend favorable days or times for religious and social ceremonies and starting new things or journeys in life.
Therefore, Astrochopra Panchang recommends favorable dates for any religious ceremonies, social events, personal rituals, and professional practices for all clients.
According to ancient time-calculation methods, Today Panchang is a traditional collection of favorable dates and times. In the Hindu calendar, Panchang today or Today Panchangam recommends the 'Muhurta,' which refers to a favorable space of time in the day that manifests the positive power of the universe. So, while the astrologers suggest the 'Muhurta' for any personal or professional acts or rituals, it means that in that space of time, people can access the blessings of nature, bypassing their ill fate.
So, people believe that Panchang is highly significant to acquire success and blessings of destiny in life.
There are five integral units in Panchang, and each plays a crucial role in selecting the 'Muhurta' for any ceremonies, rituals, or journeys in life.
Vaar is such a space of time, calculated from one Sunrise to the next. Vedic Astrology marked the auspicious and inauspicious Vaar in the Hindu calendar. The Hindu Panchang represents the effects or influences of the solar system's planets on each Vaar, which starts with each Sunrise. Therefore, the calculation of Vaar plays a significant role in ensuring success and positive energies or failure and negative energies in works and rituals. Each single Vaar is completed within 24 hours.
The planets in our solar system - Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn rule the events and flow of positive and negative energies of each Vaar. The motion and orbit of each planet define the positive or negative vibes in the Vaar.
The gentle nature of Venus, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter ensures favorable energies to execute auspicious duties or events. Similarly, the cruel nature of the Sun, Mars, and Saturn makes tasks difficult with unfavorable energies.
Panchang defines the nature and influences of each Vaar in the Hindu calendar.
The 1st day of the week, or 1st Vaar, is Ravivar, ruled by the Sun. The people born on Sunday are blessed with sustainable life and prestigious professional capabilities. They often have introverted personalities and a natural passion for spiritual duties. According to astrological recommendations, Sunday is a favorable day to complete work in specific fields, including - Administration, Science, Military, Education, Electricity, Medical. The list of auspicious works on Sunday includes - dealing with food grains, Jewelry, Arms, and Pharmaceutical goods; purchasing and selling Gold, Silver, Copper, and cars.
Thus, Hindu Panchang defines the list of auspicious works on Sunday, which help to bypass the failure and distress in professional fields and business deals.
The 2nd day of the week is Somvaar, ruled by the Moon. On Monday, according to Hindu Panchangam, astrologers suggest going ahead with full energies to complete duties in fields such as Agricultural, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Travel, Writing, Dairy, Cosmetics, Consultancy, Gems, and Precious Jewelry. The people born on Monday often carry a cheerful attitude and are efficient in sweet conversations. They have an intense passion for art, Wisdom, and philosophy, all making them skilled in different matters.
Mangalwar is the 3rd day of the week, ruled by Mars. The astrologers who recommend Daily Panchang suggest Tuesday as the auspicious one to perform academic, surgery-related, judicial, trade, dentistry, defense, and geological duties with positive energies. Besides, Tuesday is the Vedic astrology-recommended day to purchase Gold, Copper, and Brass materials. The people born on Tuesday never face financial crisis and have an aggressive attitude.
Budhwar is the 4th day of the week, ruled by Mercury.Proficient astrologers who have in-depth knowledge of Daily Panchangam suggest people perform duties in specific fields such as Education, Finance, advocacy, Novel Writing, Tailoring, and Accountancy. Besides, people born on Wednesday often carry intelligent personalities and gentle behavior and have a firm interest in spiritual duties.
The 5th day of the week is Guruwar, ruled by Jupiter. Today Panchangam suggests Thursday as the favorable day to perform Justice, Science, Prayers related duties. Moreover, Thursday is also considered an auspicious day for buying vehicles, land, and ornaments. The people born on Thursday often carry a stable mindset to resolve problems with a cool brain.
The 6th day of the week is Shukrawar, which Venus rules. Following Today Panchang will teach you about the favorable duties on Friday, such as Aesthetic and creative duties, Business Dealings, and Artistic Performances - singing, recitation, and acting. Moreover, people can succeed on Friday in Agricultural fields and love relationships. The people born on Friday often carry a cheerful personality and special ability to resolve difficult chapters in life.
The 7th day of the week is Shaniwar, ruled by planet - Saturn. According to Tomorrow Panchangam recommendations by well-known astrologers, Saturday is a favorable day to perform Academics, technology, Art, Tailoring related duties. Besides, buying iron materials, petrol, oil, and wood is considered auspicious on Saturday. Hindu Panchangam views Saturday an inauspicious day to perform religious rituals, fulfill prayers, and buy new goods. People born on Saturday should be careful to choose their loyal friends.
Ancient Vedic Astrology explains the effects of Tithi on the brain and mind of human beings. So, there is no doubt about the intense connections of birth, death, and special events with Tithi. The significance of Tithi in Hindu Panchang recommends the auspicious date of Hindu Festivals and religious rituals.
According to astrological calculations, the movement of the Moon defines Tithi. Every month is divided into two Pakhas - Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha. According to the Hindu calendar, in a month, while the Moon appears as a growing and illuminating disc for 15 days, it is called Shukla paksha. The full moon day or final day of Shukla paksha is known as Poornima. After Poornima, while the Moon appears as a fading disc for 15 days, it is called Krishna Paksha. The expansion of the Moon disc during Shukla paksha This is considered an auspicious date for physical, mental, and spiritual prosperity. On the other hand, the waning Moon initiates the Krishna Paksha Tithis, considered the auspicious time to perform religious and spiritual rituals.
The Hindu Calendar includes 16 tithis, including Purnima and Amavasya. Both Purnima and Amavasya come once in every Hindu month. Other Tithis: Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi, Panchamee, Shashthee, Saptamee, Astamee, Navamee, Dashamee, Ekadashi, Dwadoshee, Trayodoshee, Charturdashee come two times in a month.
According to Hindu Panchangam, the 1st Tithi in both Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha is Pratipada. And Poornima is the 15th Tithi of the month, which falls under Shukla paksha. On the next day of Poornima, Krishna Paksha begins, and Amavasya is the 30th Tithi of a month, and it falls under Krishna Paksha.
Tithi defines the specific state of mind as a water element. So, Hindu Panchang recommends favorable Tithis for particular things and duties.
In Krishna Paksha Pratipada, the Moon becomes stronger; in Shukla Paksha Pratipada, the Moon becomes weak. So, Panchangam Today recommends Krishna Paksha Pratipada as the favorable time to perform Religious Fasting, Vastu Karma, and Marriage.
In Dwitiya Tithi, the Hindu Panchangam recommends the auspicious dates for Marriage, developments of national and international relationships, and Vastu Karma. But, oiling is considered an inauspicious work in Dwitiya Tithi.
According to Panchangam, Tritiya Tithi is counted as an auspicious space for the best performance in aesthetic sectors, such as Sculpture, Music, Shifting New Home, Travel, etc.
According to the ancient Hindu Panchang Today, Chaturthi Tithi is recommended to serve the best performances in electronic industries, confront enemies, fight with weapons, and manage duties in fire industries. In simple terms, Charturthi is a favorable period to be engaged in brutal acts and duties.
In the ancient Online Panchang, Panchami Tithi is a favorable period to convey homage to the fundamental units of the universe - Raja, Sattwa, and Tama. So, Vedic astrology recommends Panchamee Tithi to worship and to pay intense tribute to the Deities and the Gods.
Shasthi Tithi is the favorable time to start real estate-related works, aesthetic performances, ammunition manufacturing-related works, etc. The Hindu Panchang represents Shashthi Tithi with birth's real and tangible power. So, Shasthi Tithi in Shukla Paksha is an auspicious time to worship Lord Murugan, who blesses the Child.
The people born in Saptami Tithi have bold personalities and attitudes, and they also win great deals in life based on their high level of intellect. Today Panchang recommends Saptamee Tithi for Marriage, Construction works, Jewelry designs, Entry to the new home, Vastu Karma, Upanayan rituals etc.
Hindu astrology suggests completing writing assignments, Vastu Karma, Possession, Crafting works, etc., in Ashtamee Tithi. Today Panchangam defines Ashthami Tithi as the period of victory when you can win over troubles, conflicts and chaos.
In ancient Hindu Calender, Navami Tithi is considered auspicious for Weapon Manufacturing, Construction, Hunting, Gambling, Alcohol Products dealing etc. In general astrological calculation, Navamee Tithi is not recommended to perform any auspicious duties. Instead, the strenuous tasks, which require high courage, should be performed in Navamee Tithi.
Today Panchangam recommends Dasami Tithi as the auspicious period to perform Government-related duties, Entry to new homes, dealing of ornaments and garments, travel, etc. The renowned astrologers suggest Dashamee Tithi to release aesthetic creations, launch books, buy garments and vehicles, start new jobs, announce new projects, celebrate promotions, etc.
According to the Hindu calendar, Ekadasi Tithi is auspicious for fasting, religious rituals, festivals, Vastu Karma, traveling, and Crafting aesthetic products. The devotees are suggested to worship Lord Vishnu in Ekadashi Tithi and donate food, cows, properties, and gold to the poor to grab life's auspicious benefits. The people born on Ekadashi Tithi become lovable and sensitive and respect the seniors.
The Today Panchangam recommends Dwadasi Tithi, auspicious for nutritional performances, Marriage, etc. However, astrologers do not recommend Dwadashi Tithi for starting a new home or shifting into a new home. Dwadashee Tithi is considered a favorable time to visit temples, participate in rituals for prayers to Lord Krishna, etc.
Trayodasi Tithi is appropriate for taking state-related decisions, performing architectural duties, aesthetic works, shifting new homes, etc. Trayodashi Tithi in Shukla Paksha and Krishna Pakha is counted as the auspicious time to worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The devotees celebrate Budh Pradosh Vrat on Tryodashee Tithi with fasting and puja.
Astrology recommends executing aggressive and brutal duties on the Chaturdasi Tithi. According to Hindu Panchang, Traveling, manicure, and haircutting could be better on Chaturdashi Tithi. The divine power of the Goddess Jwalamalini turns Chaturdasi Tithi into an auspicious lunar day when the fiery energy directs your inner soul to throw out the ego and mental blockages with the support of spiritual patience.
The astrology suggests executing crafting duties, ornament design, Marriage, etc., on Poornima Tithi. Online Panchang explains Puranmasi as one of the most auspicious days to celebrate religious rituals and Hindu Festivals. The devotees fast on the Purnima Tithi to get blessings through Satyanarayan Vrat.
Hindu Panchang explains the significance of Mahadan Karma and Pitra Karma, which is one of the spiritual ways to convey gratitude to the ancestors on Amavasya Tithi. Puja and fasting on Amavasya protect your spirit from the evil energies on Amavasya.
Moreover, Hindu Panchang interprets the Moon's position in our planet Earth's orbit. So, all the 30 Tithis, which are described in the Today Panchang for different actions, prayers, and rituals, are categorized into five major divisions:
Pratipada, Shasthi, Ekadasi
Dwitiya, Saptami, Dwadasi
Tritiya, Ashthami, Trayodasi
Chaturthi, Navami, Chaturdasi
Panchami, Dasami, Poornima, Amavasya
Vedic Astrology represents Nakshatra as one of the 'Ang' of Panchang. Nakshatra defines the insights and experiences of min as an air element. The attributes, the ruling deity, the ruling planets, and the Dasha of Nakshatras play principal roles in estimating daily Panchang.
Nakshatra is considered the celestial space in the sky. Each Nakshatra contains 4 Padas such as:
Each of the Padas is stretched through 3 degrees for 20 minutes. The presiding element of Nakshatra is the Moon. The Moon moves almost 13 degrees, 20 minutes each Nakshatra in a day. The presence of ruling deities, gunas, and planets defines the nature of Nakshatra.
Vedic Astrology represents the motion of the Moon in a perfect way. As the movement of the Moon is not considered uniform manner, the acceleration and deceleration of the Moon in different Nakshatra define the four aims of life:
The concept of Dharma portrays the specific tendency of the inner soul to fulfill desires through daily work and activities. Thus, astrologers calculate the motion of the Moon in Nakshatras and represent the effect of Dharma on the Daily Panchang for different individuals.
Vedic astrology explains the intense connections of Dharma with Agni Tattva.
The concept of Artha depicts the ability to manage earnings and wealth to fulfill food and shelter in everyday life. So, you consult about Today Panchang with the astrologer; he has to read the interlink between the Moon and Birth Nakshtras to figure out the specific aim of the individuals.
The connections between Artha and Prithvi Tattva are interpreted in the ancient Vedic Astrology.
The concept of Kamadrive is that the inner souls of the individuals follow their specific desires for life satisfaction. Vedic astrologers described the interlink between Kama and Jal Tattva.
The concept of Mokhsha defines the significance and the tendency of liberation of the inner soul. Moksha Tattva is also related to Jal Tattva.
According to Hindu Mythology, Mood tied the marital knot with all 27 daughters of King Dakshan. But, Moon was extremely connected with one of the 27 queens - Rohini. As a result, the 26 wives complained to King Dakshan about the specialty of the Moon. The indifferent attitude of the Moon toward his 26 wives made the King angry, and he crushed the Moon to shrink in size. When the consequence worsened, the other deities requested King Dakshan restore the previous condition of the waning Moon. Then, the King recommended a remedy to bypass the curse. Per the terms, Moon had to promise the King that he would visit his daughters and treat them equally, spending time with each of his queens. So, according to this Hindu Mythology, to spend equal time with each of the 27 queens, the Moon visits each Nakshtras through the zodiac orbit each month. The remedy of the curse on the Moon is the reason behind the Purnima and Amavasya.
So, astrologers read the presence of the Ruling Planet, Gana, Guna, the Presiding Deity, Gender of the birth Nakshatra of individuals to discover the auspicious dates in Panchang for Marriage or other social rituals.
Therefore, the positions of the Moon in a total of 27 Nakshatras during the time of birth are calculated to figure out the auspicious days for any rituals in life in Hindu Panchang.
Today Panchangam is defined in the ancient Hindu calendar based on five 'Ang.' Yoga is counted as one of the universe's major 'Ang' or elements. The term - 'Yoga' represents the specific union of the Current Degrees of the Sun and the Moon in the 93 degrees, 20 minutes, and Zodiac positions. Each of the 27 Yoga manifests a specific flow of energy. So, while the astrologers figure out Today's Panchang or Tomorrow's Panchang in the ancient Hindu calendar, they find out the particular energy according to Yoga. Thus, counting Yoga is highly significant in finding favorable energy for the auspicious dates for specific Hindu rituals and Hindu Festivals. So, in the Daily Panchang, sequential patterns of Yoga play vital roles.
In Today Panchang, 27 Yog is defined based on the longitude of The Sun and the Moon. Among 27 Yog, 9 Yog are considered as Asubh, which is not recommended to execute specific duties in different fields as Asubh Yog manifests negative energies. Similarly, Subh Yogs are considered the ideal time to perform auspicious duties in personal and professional life.
A single Karan is completed when the difference between the Sun positions and the Moon positions crosses the distance of 36 degrees. The half of a single Tithi is termed as 'Karana.'
The half of a single Tithi is termed as 'Karana.'
The Hindu Calendar mentions 11 types of Karanas. According to the appearance of Karanas, in a single Lunar month, 60 Karanas play crucial roles in the daily panchangam.
According to Vedic Astrology, in Hindu Panchangam, Karanas play highly significant roles. By figuring out the specific Karanas in Today Panchang, astrologers can find the favorable muhurta for auspicious rituals or works. So, when people consult the astrologers for Marriage, buying a home, and Hindu social rituals, Karan helps to figure out the Subh Muhurat for all the Hindu celebrations and festivals.
Among 11 Karanas, Kistughan, Shakuni, Naag & Chatuspad are considered stable Karanas as they all come in every month as the half version of Tithi. But, Bava, Taitil, Vanji, Kaulav, Vishti, Balava, and Gar are called Bhadra Karanas, which often follow each other. It is unclear whether these Bhadra Karanas will appear every month or not.
Therefore, while you consult with a renowned astrologer about Today's Panchangam or Tomorrow's Panchangam, they must consider the state of Karanas to declare the favorable Muhurat for auspicious rituals or any new journeys or things.
The significance of each 'Ang' in the Hindu Panchang manifests the favorable or unfavorable energies. So, Astrochopra Panchangam introduces the minute calculations of Tithis, Vaars, Nakshatras, Yogas, and Karans according to the planetary positions and the longitude of the Sun and the Moon. Therefore, Astrochopra Panchang offers the auspicious dates for each Hindu ritual and festival, including the calculations of daily Panchang.