Abhijit Muhurat

Abhijit Muhurat Today

Abhijit Muhurat Timing
Delhi, India
12:14 PM - 12:59 PM
Thursday 13th February, 2025
Abhijit Muhurat
Based on Vedic astrology, in a whole 24 hours or a single day, there are 30 mahurats. And all of these 30 mahurat have been divided into two single parts. The first 15 muhurat falls under Sunrise to sunset in a day. And the other 15 mahurats fall under the sunset to the next day's morning sunrise. And the Abhijit Muhurat remains in the middle of the 15 muhurat.
Sunrise 07:02:45 AM
Sunset 06:10:49 PM

Everything You Need To Know About Abhijit Muhurat

According to Astrology, everything has to be done at the right time or moment. Each specific single moment has both auspicious and inauspicious significance. And if you perform your special days on auspicious times, then eventually, you will get the best result. And if you perform your special days on inauspicious days, you will eventually get a bad result. Even both the favorable and unfavorable times are also recognized in Indian Astrology as muhurat. The word muhurt has been derived from a Sanskrit word, and it has been made with two individual words together. The first word, 'Mahu', signifies a moment or immediate. And the other word, 'Rat', signifies order. Initially, according to the Brahmanas, It is also identified as the section of time. Apart from all of these things, there are so many other important significance remains regarding the Abhijit Muhurat Today. If you are interested in knowing all of the details of it, then find out quickly.

What is Abhijit Muhurat Stand for?

According to Western astrology, the Abhijit Muhurat starts just 24 minutes before the Midday, and it also continues for the next 24 minutes after the Midday in a day. For example, if today the Sunrise happens at 7:00 a.m., then the Abhijit Muhurat Today will start at 12:36 p.m. As we all know, both the Sunrise and sunset happen at individual times based on the geographical locations; the timing can also be changed depending on the location.

Significance of Abhijit Muhurat

There is several significance of Abhijit Muhurat. If you want to understand the whole concept of the auspicious and inauspicious timetable, then here is the significance in detail.

  • According to Vedic astrology, the audience can remove all of the unfavorable moments and time with the blessings of Lord Vishnu and his Chakra. The Lord Vishnu's Chakra helps to remove all of the inauspicious moments from our life which fall under Abhijit Muhurat. It is very important to remove the evil times from our lives with the advantage of Aaj Ka Abhijit Muhurat.
  • The Abhijit Muhurat is the most important moment to start with special days or rituals and occasions. This particular muhurat can also help us or the audience to fulfill their desires and wishes successfully. And even they can also get all of the positive Returns.
  • Eventually, if there is any unfavorable moment on a particular day To perform your special days, then the Abhijit Muhurat can show its effectiveness by removing the negativities.
  • For each one of the individual audiences, Abhijit Muhurat is also very important to start their new profession or care. Every day, you can find the Abhijit Muhurat, and at the right time, you just need to perform your work so that you can get a positive outcome from it by removing the evil influences of the planets.
  • Besides that, if you are facing any kind of negativities in your life and want to reduce the effectiveness of bad times, then Abhijit Muhurat is the perfect time to start your important days. This muhurat will help you to start a new beginning in life. However, both the accurate time of sunrise and sunset are also needed to get the exact Abhijit Muhurat.
  • This Abhijit Muhurat is the perfect event for those people who do not have time or lead a very busy schedule. Besides that, some of the family members can only attend the muhurat. It is a lifesaver time for every individual personality, and the muhurat comes in every single day. It is also a very effective and useful thing if you are making any last-minute plans.

Things To Do On Abhijit Muhurat

All of the audience can perform all of their special moments and occasions on Abhijit Muhurat Today. It is very effective to celebrate each one of your significant days with full, positive vibes. One can also do all of the auspicious and important things, from travelling to starting a new business. As an individual personality, you can celebrate new work, shop, business, Business, Griha Pravesh, Pooja, Naam Karan and many other things.

Besides that, if you want to celebrate some important household ceremony, Marriage and head shaving ceremony, then it is important to follow the right time and Murarat. On the other hand, some astrologers also claimed that this auspicious time is to celebrate some General auspicious works. However, on the other side, all of the other major, important, and specific ceremonies should be done under the Aaj Ka Abhijit Muhurat, like Marriage and any other Pooja.

By performing all of the rituals by bringing the right timetable of Abhijit Muhurat, you can reduce the negativities or negative influence of the planetary.

Things To Avoid On Abhijit Muhurat

If you are travelling in the south direction on Abhijit Muhurat, then it is not advised to continue your tour. It is absolutely restricted travelling to the south direction when the Abhijit Muhurat starts. Besides that, people should also avoid celebrating any individual or major ceremonies on Abhijit Muhurat on Wednesday.

What Are The Expectations From Abhijit Muhurat?

The audience is also curious to find out what can be the good or bad results of performing all of the rituals on Abhijit Muhurat. If you have the same question in your mind, then follow the below paragraph very attentively!

According to Vedic astrology, all of the audience should avoid performing all of their important days on Wednesday. It is believed that on Wednesdays, the affectivities of the Abhijit Muhurat become lesser or non-beneficial. Hence, whatever important days or ceremonies you want to perform under the Abhijit Muhurat, you should avoid the Wednesdays. Not only that, all of the audience should also avoid going in the south direction when it is Abhijit Muhurat.

If any one of the individual audiences usually starts their tours or travelling on Wednesdays, then the audience might have to face some negativities or negative impact. All of the positivity will be eventually removed on this particular day. Besides that, there are so many important ceremonies that should also be avoided, like marriage and Upnayanas during the Abhijit Muhurat.

Not only that, if you are not able to find any Abhijit Muhurat, then you can perform your immediate and important celebration by taking the advice of an experienced astrologer. If you are not finding any suitable time on a particular day, then it is advised to take the consultations of the astrologer. Otherwise, you may also have to face the bad consequences in your life, or you may also have to go with bad influences.

What Is The Total Duration Of Abhijit Muhurat?

In a whole day, there are 48 minutes of Abhijit Muhurat. During the mid-day, the Abhijit Muhurat starts 24 Minutes, and it also lasts for after 24 minutes of the mid-day. However, if a day is short, then the Abhijit Muhurat will be all for short. It is always an ideal time to perform all of your important work to get the best results from it. Do not get confused about Abhijit Muhurat and the 28 Nakshatra in comparison with the other rest 27 Nakshatra.

By performing all of your important works on the Abhijit Muhurat, you can also remove all of the obstacles or complications. Not only have that, anyone in the audience can perform any one of their important rituals without getting confused about the Abhijit Muhurat. All you need to do is to take the advice and consultation of an experienced astrologer.

In a whole day, there are 30 mahurats. 15 mahurats fall between the sunrises to sunset. And the next 15 muhurts fall from the sunset to the next day's sunrise. And the Abhijit Muhurat comes between the middle of the 30 muhurats.

How Does The Abhijit Muhurat Work?

If you want to know the accurate time to perform all of your important work or want to know how to calculate Abhijit Muhurat, then you need to provide some important details. To get the perfect timing to celebrate all of your important work, you need to share the details of your date of birth, date of place, date of time, name and other important things. After submitting all of the details, eventually, you will get to see the right Abhijit Muhurat. Even based on your kundali, you can also find out the accurate auspicious time to perform all of the rituals and important works.

What Are The Precautions To Follow For Abhijit Muhurat?

  • If the above-mentioned placement is observed later, either an auspicious planet's position in the Trikha and Kendra house or an evil planet's location in the third, sixth and eleventh houses will prove effective.
  • The ascendant must not be positioned with the Moon, and the Paap Kartari dosh must not form while determining the best Muhurat.
  • It is crucial to know weekday pairings with Ascendant and Nakshatra while determining a Muhurat.
  • It is also vital to purify the ascendant to bring out the desired Muhurat. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the status of the Ascendants when selecting the Muhurat fairly.
  • A person's kundli should not have a planet in the ninth house, and the ascendant should be with an auspicious planet to bring out a positive Muhurat.
  • A person should refrain from starting a new task in the fourth, eighth, or twelfth sign of the Moon from their natal sign to avoid failure. Avoid including a child in school during Devshayan (when the Gods sleep).
  • It is highly unlucky to lend money on Wednesdays and borrow money on Tuesdays, according to Muhurat. It is vital to check that the Moon is not in the buyer's birth sign or Ghaat sign before purchasing a new car.
  • The audience shouldn't be in the Moon's second house, and there shouldn't be a malefic planet in the Moon's twelfth house.
  • Only begin a new project when a planet is strong, the lord of your birth sign or Nakshatra is strong, retrograde, or in opposition to another planet.

Relation Between Muhurat And Kundli

There is a strong connection between the Abhijit Muhurat And Kundli. According to the information of your Kundli and time, place, and name, you can find the accurate Abhijit Muhurat for yourself to perform all of your important work and ceremony. It can also help you to find out the characteristics of one person. On the other side, the Kundli is one of the most important things through which The Astrologer can help us to find out whether we have bad influences or good influences of the planetary and stars.

Besides that, there are also some other important things, for example, the Kundali dosh, so you can also find out the details regarding yourself. Not only that, you can also get to know all of the remedies and the solutions to reduce the influences of the planets on yourself. However, the Kundli can also help you to calculate the right Abhijit Muhurat. Only the astrologer can help you to accurately determine the right moment and time. And you can all perform all of your special rituals and work to start a healthy life.


For all of the audience here, we have given the whole descriptive details regarding the Abhijit Muhurat. If you are curious to find out the details and to increase your knowledge about the moment of a favorable and unfavorable time, then you can properly understand the concept here.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are so many important works that can be done under the Abhijit Muhurat. The audience can perform the rituals of a new shop, work, business, company; invest money and other auspicious moments.

The Abhijit Muhurat is very important and auspicious because there is a belief it can help you to start a new beginning with all of the favorable things.

If a child is born under Abhijit Muhurat, then it is considered a Very good moment, and the child can receive all of the good things in life.

Yes, of course, under the Abhijit Muhurat, the audience can perform any one of the favorable moments, including a new work, Pooja, other important ceremonies, business and many more things.

In a single day, there are so many auspicious Muhurat. By taking the advice of an experienced astrologer, you can find out the most auspicious moment for you.